More Than Conquerors
More Than Conquerors Life Center
Our Mission ~ Victorious Christian Living
Loving God, Showing the Life of Jesus Christ, Through the Power of the Holy Spirit.
"... we are More Than Conquerors through Him (Jesus Christ) that loved us." Rom.8:37
About Us
"... know them which labor among you ..." I Thes. 5:12
Welcome to More Than Conquerors Life Center ~ We are a Non-denominational, Christian, Bible-believing Ministry. In our love for the Lord, His Word, and through the Power of the Holy Spirit, we strive to DAILY walk in Victorious Christian Living.
As we stand on the Promises of God’s Word, through Prayer, Faith, and Patience – Signs, Wonders, and Miracles are common occurrences in our midst.
Through our clear and simple presentation of the Word of God, many are Growing, Glowing, and Going forth in their walk and relationship with Jesus Christ.
As we grow closer to the Lord, nothing compares to being on a team that laughs, loves, and support one another while helping others.
We are a warm, loving, and friendly bunch who is always ready with open hearts to welcome visitors and new members. As we grow together, there are many service opportunities that fit each of our talents, passions, and schedules.
We would love for you to JOIN US as we continue to experience the exciting joy of being a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord willing, we hope to see you soon. God Bless You!
Our Story
Our Great God has blessed us with an amazing story as we journey with Him in this life and ministry.
After many years as an Evangelist preaching, teaching, and ministering in many different places, the Lord moved us in a different direction.
In 2012 the Lord laid on Pastor Leroy and Patricia's heart to start the More Than Conquerors Life Center. In a step of faith as an independent, non-denominational, Bible Believing ministry, we started with 5 members who were willing to take the journey with us.
With a strong belief that through Prayer, the Ministry of the Word, Service to Others, and by totally relying on the Lord that ~ "All Things Were Possible."
At a storefront in Riviera Beach, FL on Investment Lane we had our first service. After being there for about a year, the door on that location closed. With faith and favor from the Lord, another door opened at Riviera Beach Preparatory School.
Our small Food Pantry had been born and was now growing rapidly. We knew we had to trust the Lord to expand our territory. Therefore, by faith we drew up a simple sketch of what we were believing God for and began to labor in prayer, while doing what we could.
Through a series of events a gentleman was attracted to the ministry of the Word and to the many other works of Outreach we were doing and visited one of our Worship Services. On his way out after the service he saw the simple sketch we had drawn up by faith, and wanted to know what the sketch was all about. Once he found out the sketch, he went on his way and didn't say a word.
The Lord called us to an All-Night Shut-In of Prayer, and in the middle of the early morning of that Shut-In - "I spoke and asked the Lord to trouble somebody in their sleep to help us."
A short time later after that Shut-In, one night about 9:45 p.m. this gentleman called and said the Lord touched his heart about that sketch - and laid it on his heart to give me $1,000,000 - and that I was to go and find some land to build a Church.
After much prayer and searching for a Future Home Location, a door finally opened up with 5 Acres of land at 3275 N Haverhill Road. We told the gentleman we had found the property. He came and saw the property and said, Is this what you want? We said, "Yes." Immediately he told the Realtor to write it up, and then told me to go to the closing and sign my name. What a Mighty God We Serve!!!
Our Amazing Journey Continues ------
Meet The Team
“And He gave some, Apostles; and some, Prophets; and some, Evangelists; and some, Pastors and Teachers;
For the Perfecting of the Saints, for the Work of the Ministry, for the Edifying of the Body of Christ:” ~ Eph. 4:11,12
"And, behold, I come quickly; and MY REWARD is with Me, to give every man ACCORDING AS HIS WORK shall be."
Revelation 22:12
To God be the Glory for what He is accomplishing through our Spirit-led efforts, as we serve the Lord together in the Community.