More Than Conquerors

More Than Conquerors Life Center Church

Our Mission ~ Victorious Christian Living
Loving God, Showing the Life of Jesus Christ, Through the Power of the Holy Spirit.
"... we are More Than Conquerors through Him (Jesus Christ) that loved us." Rom.8:37
Sister Christine March ~ Intercessor

My journey for Christ began at the age of 8 years old, when I dropped a burning match inside a hole of the mattress on my mother’s bed. It was the only bed we had in the small efficiency we lived in. I prayed to God for help, and He came to my rescue. God saved our bed and didn’t allow my mom to know I was playing with matches that night. That’s when I knew the power of God works and that I wanted to serve God with my whole life.
I promised God I would read my Bible every day for the rest of my life (of course, I’ve failed Him) and that I would be a missionary for Him. MISSIONARY FOR HIM, YES!
The Scripture that has driven my passion of service for the Lord is found in Matthew 25:35,36 ~ ". ...for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me."
October 1980, my life took a tremendous turn and that serious walk for Christ took me on a journey where I had to walk by faith with much fasting and praying. I’ve learned to trust God with His Word from Mark 11:24 - "Therefore, I say unto you, what things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive it and ye shall have them."
I trust and believe GOD FOR HIS WILL to be done with every request made. I’m always thankful for His answer, because He tells us to give thanks in all things, and certainly He knows what is best for us. I know (without a doubt) that all things will work together for my good.
Prayer became a huge part of my life. I have had many tough trials and tribulations in this life of serving Christ, but through it all ... I’m still STANDING. I know (without a doubt) that I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!!! I KNOW THAT THERE IS NOTHING TOO HARD FOR GOD. HE HAS THE FINAL WORD IN ALL MATTERS OF MY LIFE.
PRAYER became a chief request as I experienced GOD'S presence and began to walk in the Power of His Spirit. As I WRESTLED, WAITED in HIS presence, PLEADED with HIM, POURED over the Scriptures, and LISTENED for the voice of HIS Holy Spirit, my PRAYER LIFE went from a DUTY to a DESIRE. There are “NO” shortcuts and “NO” other way to spiritual power than through PRAYER.
I thank GOD so much for Pastor Freeman, who challenged us on October 21, 2012 to take an individual and place that person on our heart with the request that a change would take place in their life. My individual was Donel, my grandson, who definitely needed GOD’S love and guidance. I committed to one hour of prayer per day. That hour led to 90 minutes of prayer per day ... with my list going from one individual to over 700 individuals and praises unto GOD.
I have since moved to 3 hours - one day a week and I'm trusting GOD to spend at least 5 hours with HIM at HIS throne once a month. The mentioning of my hours of prayer with “MY FATHER” is not to boast or bring glory to me, but to TOTALLY GIVE ALL THE PRAISE and GLORY TO GOD, MY FATHER, for allowing me to spend such precious moments with him, IN HIS PRESENCE.
I am so THANKFUL to GOD for HIS FAITHFULNESS in teaching me what to pray, with thoughts of what to ask or how to ask, by breathing within me the very Spirit of Prayer as HIS Son the “GREAT INTERCESSOR” lives within me. My prayer is that I will be faithful in doing the above things “AS UNTO GOD” for HIS KINGDOM. Christine March